Friday, July 19, 2019

30 Day Challenge (part 2)

2. What one fear you would like to conquer?

Fears have held me back, but I've also overcome a bunch of them. Current fears mostly revolve around the question "what will happen in the future?". My son's future with his handicap, my aging parents etc. I remember holding my new born son and for the first time being very aware of time. I didn't want any of us to age anymore, I wanted to freeze the clock for ever. The future seemed terrifying.

My acupuncturist has told me that me thinking about the future and stressing over it is a meaningless exercise because it's just impossible to predict what will happen. The past is done, any anger needs to be let go. Our reality, and what it truly important, is the present and how we react and deal with situations as they come. Seems so intuitive but the 2 points, one on each side of our shoulder blades, that represent hidden fears are still tense and painful and I know these fears are still very present.

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