Friday, July 31, 2009

Good Morning

good Morning- de la soul

I woke up in a much better mood. Though I missed my workout, it has been a good morning. I got to do all those girly things I love so much, and now that it's officially my weekend, I feel like 


On my way home from work today, there was traffic on the bridge. Where I live, buses only come every hour at night, and I missed my connecting bus by 10 minutes. So I waited and waited. It was a difficult week- exhausting both physically and mentally. I'm tired now and unhappy tonight.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Half Day Off

At work today, clients were extra angry and I was getting increasingly aggravated as the hours passed.

All of a sudden, to my surprise, management let me leave early due to above average service levels.

My evening turned out to be a really happy one. I got to enjoy the nice weather, my family's company, and some much needed peace.   

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sybil & Vanessa!! 

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Love this song!

shampoo- elvis perkins

(Merci Claude!)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I won a contest and we met July 26 1998 (I have the Polaroid to prove it), already 9 years past... oh Tori, I still love you! This used to be one of my favorite songs...

cornflake girl- tori amos

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dream of Life

I'm not entirely sure why she captivates me so much, but Patti Smith is an artist I would like to know more about.

We shut our eyes, we stretch out our arms
And whirl on a pane of glass
An afixiation, a fix on anything
The line of life, the limb of a tree
The hands of he, the promise that she is blessed among women.

Patti Smith

Sunday, July 19, 2009


With my partner in crime far away from me, I spent the weekend at home relaxing with my family. I went for a bike ride (and watched an embarrassingly cheesy movie) with my sister, went to Club Price with my mom, watched the Tour de France with my dad. I also thoroughly cleaned my room and did all my laundry... A boring weekend for some, but for me, it was anything but. I'm relieved that my dad's home from the hospital and in good spirits, and hope with all my heart that his will stay as strong as the love in mine.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Cleaning out my e-mail inbox, I came across this little gem that a friend had sent to me back in 2005. Sadly the video is in a different language (dutch, german?) but it's pretty self-explanatory. The talk show was live, the topic was about medical conditions, uncontrollable laughter ensued, and one television host lost his job (and his television career) ...

Note: this video is mockingly funny at 4:25

Lucky Pigs

     photo link

On the beaches of Big Major Spot Island in the Bahamas, a family of brown and pink boars and piglets live freely on the sandy white beaches and swim in the tropical surf... !!

Penguins Can Be...

good parents





and sometimes just plain mean!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009