Thursday, July 18, 2019

30 Day Challenge (part 2)

1. What you wore today (this includes what you wore to bed). 

Picture of me in the bathroom at work:

Today I wore: 
- My flowery blouse. This silk top has been with me forever (over 10 years!). It's so old that it just spontaneously rips. My mom recently got it repaired for me (again) and I'm actually happy to be reunited with it! With all my countless wardrobe changes/purges/hateful thoughts, this top has never failed me. 

- A cardigan. I always have a sweater (even if it's 30 something degrees out). Notice how it's just long enough to cover my bum.

- Black pants. These are my go-to work pants that I probably wear too often.

- Pink shoes. Flats are a girl's best friend. 

Accessories include: earrings I bought for myself from Sears on crazy liquidation sale when it was closing. A necklace I got from Anthropologie that has a lower case t as a pendant. 

When I get home I immediately change into something comfy (today it's a pair of shorts and a t-shirt) and remove all my jewellery including my watch (missing from this picture because it died yesterday). 

What I wear to bed: I always, all year round, wear a t-shirt and underwear to bed. The t-shirt has to be cotton, not oversized but long enough to cover my bum (this is a super important detail in most of my getting dressed decisions). 

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