Sunday, June 7, 2009


While eating a box of Junior Mints today, I just happened to read the ingredients, one of which being gelatin. As a vegetarian I am aware that gelatin is made from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones. Though I'm not a super strict vegetarian (I eat milk & eggs) I try to avoid gelatin as much as possible. I was annoyed by my negligence, and often make the mistake of eating something without reading the ingredients first. Just the other day I bought some cookies, and only after I finished the last one did I realize that the second main ingredient was "beef fat"... appalling!! I felt so guilty.

I often put all my trust in large corporations who manufacture products with preservatives, too much salt or too much sugar, and use ingredients that come from far away where the land and people are easily exploited. I'm making a promise to myself to be more careful with the foods I buy and eat... or maybe just to stop eating junk food!

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