Sunday, July 21, 2019

30 Day Challenge (part 2)

4. If you could be anything in the world, what would it be? 

I have a Bachelor's degree in Finance from McGill and I work in my field... to a certain extent. I work in a bank with (for) Investment Advisors but my current job title is "Administrative Assistant". I know I'm not putting the (gruelling) years of schooling to good use or living up to my potential, but for now I'm happy with my job. I actually love what I do, feel that I'm pretty good at it, and it allows me the flexibility I need now that I'm a mom.

If I could be anything, assuming that I have all the skills/knowledge, I would like to be a doctor, maybe a family doctor. I would be thorough and take the necessary time with my patients and love the idea that I can really help people. A philanthropic job that pays a lot seems to fit my personality pretty well!

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