Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Clean Closet

Am I a minimalist? No. And I'm no Marie Kondo, but I love to stay organized and tend to get anxious around clutter and mess! I recently "rage cleaned" my closet... again. This time I donated lots of clothes. My style is evolving so there were a lot of items I stopped wearing a long time ago.

It's only after I finished my big organizing job that I came across this video:

The 7 items you don't need in your closet are:

1. Expensive mistakes
2. Cheap mistakes
3. Uncomfortable items
4. Items that don't fit
5. Gifts/sentimentals (allowed to keep a few!)
6. Things that have gone out of fashion
7. Items that look good on other people

Over the past year, I got rid of many items in each category, I have a lot less and only 1 small box in storage. I still have a few uncomfortable things left, pieces I seldom wear, maybe still too many shoes, but I'm getting there!

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