Monday, June 20, 2016

Peace Mommy

Ok, maybe I was being a little harsh when I wrote Mommy Wars.

I feel bad because dodo is so hard and moms can become desperate for a solution... I suffered 16 months of sleeplessness, pumping and breastfeeding round the clock (Baby is hypotonic so I had many breastfeeding challenges). I gave more than I was able to give and maybe it wasn't smart to push so hard because my physical and mental health suffered a lot. And I'm not perfect! I gave up using cloth diapers because the washing felt like too much work. I let my toddler watch (educational signing) DVDs and the occasional Netflix cartoon. I use commercial baby wipes (though to my credit when I'm home I use washable bamboo cotton cloths with a homemade mixture of distilled water, aloe, soap, calendula and essential oils). I don't give homemade snacks. I know that another mom could judge me harshly for these things... But I've been through a lot, and maybe so have you.

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