Thursday, August 27, 2015

Parents jusqu'au bout

I see Melanie from time to time at Baby's rehab centre, swimming with her daughter Leonie whose stiff body looks almost peaceful in the water. Melanie and I have never spoken but I know her story intimately. Leonie is handicapped, a 3 year old currently functioning like a 3 month old, she will never walk, never speak, never eat orally, and will always be dependent on her family. It's this dependence that prompted Melanie, along with 2 other moms of severely handicapped children, to start an organization called Parent jusqu'au bout. Their aim is to get the government to recognize that they are the best caregivers for their children and to get some recognition (in the form of financial assistance) for it! Being forced to quit their jobs to meet the demands of their children (sleepless nights, countless days in hospital, medications, specialist, therapies, doctors), adapting a house and car to be wheelchair friendly, paying for ambulance rides, medications, hospital parking... it all takes a huge financial toll on a family. What other options do these moms have? Institutionalize their child which would cost the government $100 000+/year? What about single moms? What about the best interest of the child? Doesn't make any sense...

What can you do?
You can support Melanie by buying one of her super cute organic cotton bandanas online from La Meraki.

Get your friends, family and coworkers to sign this petition and mail it before Sept 10 to

Actions familles
Att. Pétition Parents jusqu'au bout
164 b St-Joseph
Sainte-Martine, Qc

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