Sunday, July 7, 2013

30 Things Update

Finding out that I'm going to be a Mommy, just a couple of months after my 30th birthday, has put a small wrench in the spokes of my list of 30 things to accomplish this year!

Lets recap:

1. Run a 21 km race (and follow Syb's training!!): My dad registered me for a half marathon here in Montreal, but it'll for sure be impossible to complete this year. Even the 10 km race in May that I had signed up for in Ottawa was impossible for me to run because of my difficult pregnancy. I'm happy I'll get to at least be there in September to cheer Miko who will be running the 21 km race for me!

2. Go horseback riding: Probably not recommended...

3. Drive away from the city to see the stars & 4. Bike Montreal streets at 2:00 am: These I can do!

5. Use up my gift certificate for 10 yoga classes: First class, and then some and 20 more classes were bought! What's nice is that Miko started doing the classes with me. Hot yoga being a little controversial for pregnant ladies, I'll be starting prenatal yoga very soon.

6. Paint an original picture: This one will wait for when I'm on maternity leave.

7. Make-out on a ferris wheel (hopefully with a boy that I love): Will be done this summer, and hopefully for many summers to come. Love you Miko!

8. Eat vegan for 30 consecutive days: Piece of cake... 

9. Read all the books found on my nightstand: These have been replaced with prenatal books- which I have been reading pretty consistently for a few weeks now. Maybe I'll be able to tackle a few on vacation in August, but most of them will be returned to their owners, unread for now.

10. Complete a sewing project: Saving this one for mat leave as well.

11. Get a proper haircut: Mom haircut before Baby comes? We'll see...

12. Tell a stranger she's beautiful: More nerve-wracking than it sounds, but will be done for sure!

13. Clean out my closet(s): This will have to be done again and more thoroughly since I'm in the process of moving and going from three closets to half a one...      

14. Host a dinner party for my friends Andriana and Wissem: Sorry friends, apartment is a mess, chairs are sold, pantry has been emptied...

15. Do Pilates everyday for 30 days: Since this was done, I forgot what a flat stomach looks like...

16. Go skating on the Rideau Canal: I had a small window of opportunity to go skating on my birthday weekend but it was -100 in Ottawa on that day.

17. Get a brazilian: Still doing it, still loving it.

18. Eat a fucking banana: Hate you even more now that I'm pregnant. Fuck this one.

19. Go canoe camping: Too busy this summer to go canoe camping...

20. Wish my grandfather a happy 90th birthday, in person (in Vancouver!): Grandpa turns 90 in October, so I won't be able to go to Vancouver as planned to see him... he's in my thoughts though, and I'm hoping to send him a picture of his great grandchild in December.

21. Get all dressed up and go out dancing: Phew!

22. Take a relaxing bubbly bath once a week during the two coldest winter months: I have to remember what relaxing feels like.

23. Bike to work during the two warmest summer months: Could technically be doing now... but I feel stressed out enough in the mornings as it is! I'm replacing this one with go on a leisure bike rides once I move to explore my new neighbourhood.

24. Organize my music collection: Another project for mat leave? Or maybe I'll be too busy learning new songs for Baby!

25. Go shopping in NY: Replacing this with a day trip to the US to buy some cheap baby clothes/missing accessories.

26. Read all the newspapers that I've accumulated in my home office: Recycled them this weekend! Too much to read, do, move...

27. Plan a trip to India for 2014: I'll be busy in 2014.

28. Learn the names & geographical locations of all the countries (& their capitals) in the world by heart: Studying for my license to trade on the market will be enough, thank you very much.

29. Cook a traditional Indian meal for my mom: Ok, Mom. This I will do!

30. Celebrate the end of 2013 surrounded by the people that I love +1.

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