Thursday, February 24, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 16

Your views on mainstream music.

If Hell were to exist, my idea of it would be being chained to a desk and being forced to listen to mainstream music (i.e. the same "songs" over and over until you wish you were deaf) for 8 consecutive hours a day every day... Oh wait...


T said...

I used to wonder why radio DJs always played the same songs on any given album, when there were so many other good tracks that never got any airplay.

Then, when I started working at HMV, I began to understand how singles are the only songs selected, authorized and packaged for mainstream radio play.

My view of mainstream (Top 40) radio changed once I realized how singles are ads for albums, interspersed between commercials... said...

Ce qui m'ecoeure dans le mainstream, c'est que 1 il est indigeste car elle sonne comme du pre-cuisine et que 2, il n'y a jamais rien sur ou sous la surface. On dirait un amas de sons insipides qui a la fin se ressemblent tous. C'est pour la consommation de masse, elle ne merite rien de plus. Too bad pour elle.