Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 14

Your earliest memory.

My earliest memory is the trip that my family took to Ireland when I was only 4 years old. We went to visit my aunt and got to meet my cousins for the first time. Though I don't remember every detail of the trip, I remember Vany falling off the horse and suffering from a really bad concussion, my uncle smoking cigars, eating my oldest cousin Daniel's warm cheese & onion sandwiches, visiting castles, hitting my younger cousin Nashila because I thought she was really annoying (and getting in trouble after), me having to go to the emergency room because a dog bit my finger and it got infected, being enthralled by the different looking money (especially the change, which I think Nashila stole from me and that's why I hit her!)...


T said...

It's funny what we remember after so many years. My first memory is reading a story about a girl who had gone to Ireland, and her finger got infected, and the money there was a different colour...

But then again, I have a generally pretty short memory span... What was the question again?

Sybil Hebert, RD said...

wow! You remember so much from that trip!!