Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Upsetting Day

Today at work I was given a rank of 5 out of 10... Why? One of the reasons is that I was "caught" reading something on the Internet. It upsets me that the managers at work spend their time surfing the Internet and calling their girlfriends while we get rated on a point system, spied on, and get punished for things like being 1 minute late or forgetting to apologize for an inconvenience. It saddens me seeing the wrong people getting hired for better positions, people with amazing University degrees being treated like children, and having computer screens monitored because there is a lack of trust in employee competence. I have learned how to deal with insults from faceless clients and I can tolerate the lack of privacy at work, but one thing that I cannot tolerate is coming home and being subject to the same kind of treatment- that to me is pathetic.

delphine durand

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