Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Letter

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions (you cannot use any word twice):

1. What is your name: Ingrid
2. A four letter word:iron
3. A boy's name: Ian
4. A girl's name: Ilysa
5. An occupation: interpreter
6. A color: indigo
7. Something you wear: i-pod
8. A food: ice cream
9. Something found in the bathroom: idling woman
10. A place: Idaho
11. A reason for being late: indian summer
12. Something you shout: idiot!
13. A movie title: Interview With The Vampire
14. Something you drink: ice water
15. A musical group: Interpol
16. An animal: iguana
17. A street name: Inspector st (Rue de l'inspecteur)
18. A type of car: (Dodge) Intrepid
19. A song title: Incense of Youth
20. A verb: imagining

Your turn!


Sybil Hebert said...

How fun!!

1. What is your name: Sybil
2. A four letter word:Shit
3. A boy's name: Samuel
4. A girl's name: Sarah
5. An occupation: Salesperson
6. A color: Sky blue
7. Something you wear: Sweater
8. A food: Spaghetti
9. Something found in the bathroom: Shaving cream
10. A place: Switzerland
11. A reason for being late: Snow storm
12. Something you shout: Shoot!
13. A movie title: Shawshank Redemption
14. Something you drink: Soda
15. A musical group: Shangri-Las
16. An animal: iguana
17. A street name: Sherbrooke
18. A type of car: Subaru
19. A song title: Somewhere over the rainbow
20. A verb: Seething

ingy said...

#16. iguana... ? Maybe Snake or Sloth! hehe

Sybil Hebert said...

oops! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Took a lot of thinking... Good for the brain!

1. What is your name: Naznin
2. A four letter word: Nice
3. A boy's name: Nicholas
4. A girl's name: Noor
5. An occupation: Nurse
6. A color: Navy blue
7. Something you wear: Necklace
8. A food: Nuts
9. Something found in the bathroom: Nail cutter
10. A place: Nairobi
11. A reason for being late: Napping
12. Something you shout: No!
13. A movie title: Nightmare on Elm Street
14. Something you drink: Nectar
15. A musical group: Nirvana
16. An animal: Nightingale
17. A street name: Naples (street in Brossard)
18. A type of car: Nissan
19. A song title: Never on a Sunday (Petula Clark)
20. A verb: Nesting

Anonymous said...

Ingrid.. J'essai de faire les mots avec la premiere syllabe 'Clo'...

1. What is your name: Claude
2. A four letter word: Clos (fermer)
3. A boy's name: Carl
4. A girl's name: Clotilde
5. An occupation: Couturier
6. A color: Carmin (rouge)
7. Something you wear: Chemise
8. A food: Carotte
9. Something found in the bathroom: Chandelle
10. A place: Chamonix
11. A reason for being late: Courir
12. Something you shout: Criss!
13. A movie title: Chariots of Fire
14. Something you drink: Coke
15. A musical group: Cream
16. An animal: Chat
17. A street name: Chemin Chambly
18. A type of car: Corvette
19. A song title: Californication
20. A verb: Claudiquer (to limp)

C'est tough! Meme pas CLOse!
Merci pour le casse-tete.

Benny said...

1. What is your name: Benjamin
2. A four letter word: buya! (Or if you're Ingrid... Bayoub?)
3. A boy's name: Brent
4. A girl's name: Barbara
5. An occupation: Bodyguard
6. A color: Blue
7. Something you wear: Bandana
8. A food: Bhindi Bhaji
9. Something found in the bathroom: Bar... or Bum
10. A place: Beach
11. A reason for being late: Broken Condom (Pretty lame I couldn't think of anything. It was this or broken alarm)
12. Something you shout: BAaammmM! (From that AWESOME PopTart commercials
13. A movie title: Batman Begins
14. Something you drink: Beer
15. A musical group: Beastie Boys
16. An animal: Bear
17. A street name: Beaubien
18. A type of car: Bronco
19. A song title: Bullet with Butterfly Wings
20. A verb: Beeping

ingy said...

Thanks guys!! :)