"In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with." --Mac MacGuff (Dad from Juno)
There was young curious Georgey, And that wildly ditsy Fluffy! There was a sturdy survivor named Whitey, And a neighbor’s soft cuddly Dusty. There was also my best friend Spooky... Whom I still miss very dearly. Now my bed seems kinda empty... time for a new lovely kitty?
...holds a place as one of the most influential writers, yet he never published when he was alive (he even requested that all his manuscripts be burned if he died).
...longed for independence & adventure yet was born, went to school, lived and worked within the radius of a few kms all his life.
Word of the week Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM): The alleged deity of The Flying Spaghetti Monster theory was first publicly postulated in an open letter to the Kansas School Board during the debates on whether or not to introduce Intelligent Design in to the science curriculum. The FSM is theorized to manipulate observable data such as carbon dating results via 'His' Noodly Appendage. We are also taught that The FSM hates when its subjects do not dress as pirates. FSM followers claim that global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of Pirates since the 1800s.
I often wonder why I love sad songs so much, especially those that deal with heartache. It’s hard to explain because I consider myself to be a generally happy person who’s never even experienced a breakup before! Still, even if I can’t relate to the lyrics I can’t help but be drawn to the pain and sadness of lost love. Here are my top 5 breakup songs of all time:
1. No Distance Left to Run- Blur (Damon Albarn wrote this song after Justin Frischmann, lead singer of Elastica, broke up with him)
2. Broken Heart- Spiritualized
3. Too True- Ken Stringfellow
4. Far From Me- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
5. Who’s Gonna Save My Soul- Gnarles Barkley
A high-top sneaker wearing heart singing into a broccoli... Quite possibly the best music video ever made!
The Radiohead concert tonight consisted of witnessing a girl take too many drugs, lots of mud, a security guard removing the cap from my water bottle (?), fireworks, and some amazing old tunes: Karma Police, Lucky, and Fake Plastic Trees.
This week has been really hectic and I completely forgot to post my Monday’s "...of this week"! Now it’s Tuesday and it’s too late.
Since last Monday, this is what I have been up to (in no particular order): lifting weights, answering calls one after the other, witnessing a fallout between friends, laser treatment to remove freckles from my shoulders (extremely painful btw), not sleeping enough, daydreaming, making a grilled cheese with a hot dog bun, fainting, throwing up, Coldplay concert, spinning, diarrhea, hurting someone’s feelings, listening to this song on repeat: