Today marks the one year anniversary of my official employment at The Bank. I honestly didn't think I would last this long. It's a simple job that entails, for the most part, helping clients who have been inconvenienced by our systems. Hard for a shy girl whose sensitive to others' tone of voice.
I've been working evenings (4:30-12:30) and just last week graduated to the 3:30-11:30 shift. At first I appreciated the schedule as it allowed me to enjoy the hot summer days and attend my noontime spin sessions at the Y. Fall came and my bedtime moved to early mornings. I inadvertently caused drama which ruined some friendships between boys and now I feel like I may have lost a close friend as well. Christmas time was busy, winter nights were long. I stopped working out and eating balanced meals.
But I stayed. I value my job and the sense of accomplishment received by knowing I “paid my dues” as they say. I value receiving a regular paycheck. I also value the experience of talking to clients all day- forcing me to overcome my shyness. I also met Benjamin which makes everything I went through this year all worth it.
Things can only get better from now on. My confidence can only grow, my nutritional intake can only improve, my schedule can only move from night to day, and exercise can only become more frequent (the gym membership still remains intact)!