Thursday, September 17, 2015

Don't Make Your Bed!

I might have a small cleaning obsession. All the cleaning products, bleach, irritants, artificial lemony smells, disinfectant wipes, you name it, I use it (except for that powdered Comet stuff mom used in the 80s). I can't stand dirty dishes in the sink, smudges on mirrors, dust on any type of surface. The bathroom gets cleaned twice a week, the vacuum needs to be passed just as often. The one thing I never do, the only thing I don't care about is making the bed (but I do care that the sheets are clean of course). Turns out that an unmade bed is actually cleaner than a pristine one! When we sleep, we move around, sweat and leave our skin cells all over the place, inadvertently creating a perfect breading ground for (1.5 million!) dust mites! In the morning, airing out the sheets and exposing them to daylight lets the moisture evaporate and the dust mites end up dehydrating and dying. Making the bed traps in the mites in along with a feast of your skin scales. Ewwwww 

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