Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1 Month Left!

It's November 25 which means that there is exactly (only!) 1 month until Christmas!! For the past few years, my family has upheld a relatively new tradition of picking names out of a "hat" and only buying one gift. We do this because a) we don't have a lot of money, b) we understand that consumption (ie presents) puts unnecessary strain on the environment and c) ... well, maybe it's difficult buying gifts for adults, and one good quality/thoughtful gift is better that a whole bunch of little unnecessary ones. Since we don't all live together in the same city, this year, my mom picked the names for us. I remember last year's Christmas like it was yesterday, it's truly incredible how time flies! ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard today that 18% of the people are not buying any gifts this year.
I like the idea of buying one meaning full gift for one person.
Merry Christmas! It is the first time I am saying that this year.