Friday, March 25, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 22

How have you changed in the past 2 years?

I have changed a tremendous amount in the past 2 years. Specifically, I'm more confident today compared to the woman I was 2 years ago. Professionally,

I've come out of my shell

and I'm ready to climb the "corporate ladder".

I've experienced a lot, not all of it positive, but I've come out of it more experienced and more self assured. I'm still sometimes too friendly for my own good, but I'm learning to say no and working on expressing myself more clearly and with more confidence.

I'm proud of the lady I see in the mirror.


T said...

Personally, I used to think that climbing the corporate ladder was important, until I realized how similar it is to climbing the academic ladder: you gain advancement by becoming specialized in an increasingly narrow discipline.

I think advancement and achievement are important, but I think doing so on your own terms is paramount. I've been thinking a lot about a metaphor I read a while ago, which reminded that climbing the ladder is good, but knowing which wall the ladder is leaning against is more valuable.

Oh, and I'm proud of the lady I see in the mirror as well. I mean... you know... when you're standing close by, and I can see your reflection.

ingy said...

Very insightful! I guess that's why I put the term corporate ladder in quotation marks. I suppose what I meant is that I'm ready to climb my own personal professional ladder... Because big corporations can SUCK IT!!!