Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 17, 18 & 19!

Your highs and lows of this past year.

- My tumultuous ex (relationship).
- Feeling trapped in a dead-end headache inducing job.

- Finally being able to relate to that exhilarating feeling of freedom that teenagers experience when they drive solo for the first time.

Your beliefs

I believe in always using a cleanser (not soap!) to wash my face, moisturizing everyday, spinning, 8 hours of sleep a night, fresh coffee, long walks, broccoli almost everyday, kindness, compassion, understanding, patience, silence, good music, and Nutella for breakfast.

Disrespecting your parents

I think disrespecting your parents' wishes (to a certain extent) as a teenager is a healthy part of growing up- there will always be that generational gap that will inevitably lead to conflicts. As an adult, I have so much respect for my parents as individuals and can't imagine treating them with anything less than the respect they deserve.


Anonymous said...

So happy to see that you have found your true love! Hope both of you will only have laugh together, and no tears! All the best to both of you!

T said...
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