Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blue Monday

Apparently the 3rd Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year. Shorter days, cold weather, a pile of Christmas bills, the feeling of failure from unfulfilled New Year's resolutions... It all piles up...

My Blue Monday was indeed gloomy because I spent it at the hospital! Ever since I fainted last weekend, I've been having chest pains that reached their peak Sunday night. Monday morning was bitter cold (-30C), and as I was watching the steam rise up from the St-Lawrence from my window seat on the bus, the pressure in my chest felt scary. Once I arrived at work I called an ambulance to take me to the hospital where I spent all day having tests done: 2 blood tests, 2 ECGs, I drank novocain (!), peed in a cup, and had x-rays taken. Thankfully all results came back normal, so it's nothing serious. So what's causing this tightening crushing feeling in my chest?!

Maybe it's a combination of things: stress from work, feeling worried/sad about Tony moving to Denver next week, winter blues, lack of exercise... Maybe all I needed was a mental health day or 2...

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