Friday, July 30, 2010

Bye Corner Office, Window & View

Yesterday we had a mold-sniffing dog at work and apparently it stopped at my desk and stayed there all day (I missed it!). Today, The Business took away my desk/computer deeming my workspace (with the best view) unsafe!! I've been suffering from fatigue and a headache and nausea for the past week and now I'm wondering if this is all related...


Sybil Hebert, RD said...

Most molds do not harm healthy people. But people who have allergies or asthma may be more sensitive to molds. Sensitive people may experience skin rash, running nose, eye irritation, cough, nasal congestion, aggravation of asthma or difficulty breathing. People with an immune suppression or underlying lung disease, may be at increased risk for infections from molds.

This is what I found from a governmental site...

A small number of molds produce toxins called mycotoxins. When people are exposed to high levels of mold mycotoxins they may suffer toxic effects, including fatigue, nausea, headaches, and irritation to the lungs and eyes. If you or your family members have health problems that you suspect are caused by exposure to mold, you should consult with your physician.

ingy said...

Thanks for the info! I don't think I was sick because of the mold though... just the job! hehe