Monday, November 30, 2009

NaBloPoMo Finished!!

Yay for me, I successfully blogged everyday this month! I would like to thank all my readers for your support! This celebration is tainted by my foul mood though. No, I'm not happy tonight. I don't like when people get upset with me... This evening I got into "trouble" for turning down the heating (by 1 degree!) in the house. Instead of compromise or adding a blanket or being told politely to not touch the heating, I was told off like a little child. I can't STAND being talked down to or made to feel small. I'm so upset.... and hot!


Anonymous said...

I am Sorry that you are upset. That person should apologise to you.
On a happier note congratulations for putting up with the terrible evening schedule for so long. Now you can start celebrating your new "normal" schedule coming up.Yeh!

Anonymous said...

Mouche! Un million d'excuses! Je ne savais pas que j'avais l'air si fache! J'espere que tu me pardonneras. Je ne croyais pas t'avoir blessee mais je dois en deduire qu'avec l'age je suis devenu plutot insensible. Encore je m'excuse.

Oui, je l'avoue, je suis "that person".

ingy said...

Merci Claude! Et moi j'avoue que je suis peut-etre trops semsible! Merci encore :)