Monday, November 9, 2009

Good News!

On this abnormally warm and beautiful fall day, I received the first good news in a VERY long time. At my work, the shifts change every 2 months, and those of us on the lower end of the seniority list always get stuck with the shittiest schedules. After 1 year and 7 months of working late into the night, of walking home in the freezing wind that seemingly gets harsher when the rest of the world sleeps, of waiting hours and hours and days and days and even more hours for the bus alone in the cold, of countless warm suppers with my family that I have missed, of being robbed of any sense of normalcy (I'm not exaggerating!), I have finally finally been given a respectable schedule of... wait for it... 10:00 am to 6:00 pm!!! I'm soooo happy right now, the feeling is indescribable. Yes, I still have to work on the weekends, but I actually prefer it that way! And I still get my Thursdays off, which allows me to attend my ultimate favorite spinning class of all time. I'm just so


Sybil Hebert, RD said...

oh my god!! thats amazing!! I still think you should beg your manager for 9:30-5:30 so you could get the rush hour!! but... yeah!! :)

ingy said...

It doesn't work like that!! The company's too big and heartless...