Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Uneasy Sleep

It's been a long time and so much has happened... I just had 6 consecutive glorious days off in a row. Though the weather is still too cold to my liking, whiffs of spring can be smelt as the sun is slowly gaining strength and seems to be staying out a little longer each day.

Valentine's day passed. This was my first Valentine's day and it was perfect, filled with nothing but sweetness and warmth.

I did eat too many cinnamon hearts and momentarily lost the feeling on my tongue.

I finally finished “My Boring Ass Life: The uncomfortably candid diary of Kevin Smith”... A book I've been reading on and off for 2 years. Of the 470 pages, the only part really worth reading is when Smith recounts Jason Mewes' battle with heroin addiction. The story is so poignant and compelling, the book is worth buying for that story alone (pages 328-395).

I passed my driving exam (on my first try thank you very much) and got my driver's license in the mail today. This is big.

Got introduced to Arrested Development... and love it!!

Today was my birthday. I couldn't have asked for a better day- it was spent with the people I love the most in the entire world (Syb & Van were with me in spirit!). Oui, je pense vraiment que la joie de cette journee va rester avec moi toute l'annee.

On a more disturbing note, I had 3 terribly vivid nightmares. The fist dream involved me getting shot over and over again near the tree in my backyard. The second dream was about a serial killer who made his victims kill other people before they themselves got murdered. The third nightmare was really the worst of all, I dreamt that someone broke into my house and stabbed my dad.

Tonight I foresee only happy dreams with bunnies and sunflowers...

1 comment:

Sybil Hebert, RD said...

aw- wish i could have been there in person...
scary nightmares. did you dream of bunnies and sunflowers that night? hope so!